Articoli filtrati per data: Luglio 2013

Rencontre Européenne de Jeunes Salettines, La Salette,  21 - 28 Juillet 2013
Incontro europeo dei giovani delle parrocchie salettine,  La Salette, 21-28 luglio 2013
Europejskie Spotkanie Młodzieży Saletyńskiej, La Salette,  21 do 28 lipca 2013
European Youth Meeting from La Salette parishes,   21 to 28 July 2013
Pubblicato in PHOTO
Martedì, 16 Luglio 2013 22:33

Rivista La Salette luglio-agosto

In quest'anno della fede siamo saliti al Santuario nel mese di Giugno con il pellegrinaggio nazionale e nel mese di Luglio con i giovani. In questo numero, che vi giungerà nel mese di settembre, troverete il ricco itinerario spirituale che abbiamo percorso al Santuario de La Salette per rinnovare la nostra fede. La Salette, con i suoi dintorni mozzafiato, contiene gli elementi di base che costituiscono il fondamento della realtà umana e della fede.

Pubblicato in INFO (IT)
Lunedì, 15 Luglio 2013 10:38


Our Holy Mother reminds us that we have our weaknesses, but we have examples of the strength of our Father God all around us, and we should appreciate it, not act to make it turn against us.
Pubblicato in BLOG (EN)
Lunedì, 15 Luglio 2013 10:37

2nd DAY

From the poetry of the Lebanese cedars to that of the French Alps, Our Divine Father infuses His loving Grace into our hearts and souls. Thank you for sending your chosen one to us in this majestic setting. It is ever changing, yet everlasting. We live in the hope that we too, in our ever changing existence will someday join you in everlasting exaltation.
Pubblicato in BLOG (EN)
Lunedì, 15 Luglio 2013 10:36


Lord, you have taught us so much. You keep us steady when we entrust ourselves to those to whom you have given the grace of surgical healing. You fill us with faith in our scientists, doctors, nurses, ambulance drivers, computer technicians, dieticians and so many others. God our Divine Father through our faith in You we have faith in your creatures. We sustain ourselves with the grace of Faith that keeps us in trust of our brothers and sisters in the great communion of saints.
Pubblicato in BLOG (EN)
Lunedì, 15 Luglio 2013 10:34

4th DAY

It took nineteen centuries to make her cry. At La Salette, she broke down. Mary, dear mother, we are here to help. Teach us how to do it. We are here for you. Fill our hearts with the courage to help you stand again with the same courage that you showed on Calvary.
Pubblicato in BLOG (EN)
Lunedì, 15 Luglio 2013 10:27

5th day of the Novena

When we forget the Rock, bad things happen. We can fill our lives with exotic belongings, but without the Rock success does not visit us. Fortunately, our Rock is more than granite. Our living God finds ways and our neighbors to come to our and intercede for us, buying us a little more time and providing us with the care that we need to bear the fruit that is expected of us by the ONE who planted us.
Pubblicato in BLOG (EN)
Sabato, 06 Luglio 2013 21:09


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