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     The Celebration of the Year of Justice and Peace in our Congregation challenges us to address specific issues, which we think are included in the concepts presented here. We have prepared this calendar for the year 2015, which takes into account some topics of Justice and Peace. The United Nations has announced some days emphasizing some aspects of justice and peace. Church has own dates to emphasize different aspects of Social Teaching or support the International or World celebrations.

     That is why we offer you this opportunity to plan the activities in your own calendar in relation to the initiatives of the Church or the UN. It would be good to find a day in the month in which you could invite the La Salettes or our Laity for prayer, or for specific activities, or to raise awareness concerning these issues. You might also use other days, or feasts (e.g., national or local celebrations) to talk about, to pray about, to engage in activities concerning, or to celebrate Justice and Peace. [We give only some examples  the originator of the particular feast. UN - United Nations; CC – Catholic Church] On the main page you can finde some reflections. Go to JPIC Logo

January 1 - World Day of Peace (CC)

January 18 - World Day of Migrants and Refugees (CC)

January 17 - Day of Dialogue with Judaism (CC)

January 24 - World Day of Social Communications (CC)


February 11-World Day for the Sick (CC)

February 20-World Day for Social Justice (UN)

February 23- International Day in Support of the Needy


March 8 -International Day for Women's Rights (UN)

March 21- Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination(UN)

March 22 -World Water Day(UN)

March 24 -International Day for the Rightto the Truth, forSerious Violations of Human Rights and for the Dignity of Victims (UN)

March 25 – Feast of Annuntiation - Day for Life

Last Saturday in March -Earth Hour (World Wide Fund for Nature)


April22 -World Earth Day (UN)


May 1 – St' Joseph the Worker (CC)

May 15 -International Day of Families (UN)

Second Saturday in May-World Fair Trade Day


June 1 – World Children Day (UNICEF)

June5 - Environment Day (UNEP)

June 20 - World Refugee Day (UN)




August19 - World Humanitarian Day (UN)


September 4-Immigrant Day (Argentina)

September 10 - Celebration of the Justice and Peace in the Congregation;  Day of the La Salette Laity

September 21 -International Day of Peace (UN) Day of Prayer for Peace

Third Weekend in September - International Day Without Violence (environmental campaign from Australia)


October - First Monday in October-World Habitat Day (UN)

October 2- International Day Without Violence (UN)

October 4 - St' Francis Patron and Animals, & Ecology

October 14 - World Mission Day (CC)

October16 - World Food Day(FAO)

October 17-International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (UN)


November 25 -World Mission DayInternational Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

December 2 -World Day of the Disabled (UN)

December 10 - Human Rights Day (UN)

December 18- International Migrants Day (UN)

December 28 - Feast of the Holy Innocents

Sunday in the Octave of Christmas - Feast of the Holy Family (CC)

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