We are invited to give thanks to God for the gift of vocations and perseverance, in communion with our Sisters in Myanmar for :

- the renewal of vows of Sr Angela Sut Khine, Sr Regina Nu Nu Win, Sr Teresa Ja Bawk, Sr Theresa  Seng Hkawn Mai, Sr Agatha Ei Ei Moe, Sr Stella Hkawn Ja and Sr Anna Ja Hka on February 2nd;

- the same day in US, Sr Jacinta Kai Ra;

- the renewal of Sr Margaret Ei May Kyin (Mimi), on February 2nd, in Canada;

- the first profession of Theresa Ja Nan, Justina Seng Lai and Julie Htun on February 3rd ;

- the entrance in canonical year of novitiate of Rosa Bawk Mai, Jacinta San Dar and Moreen Ja Ra.

 We are also joyful together with our Sisters in Angola for the new opening of mission - on February 1st - for the community of Cacuaco (diocese of Caxito) in the suburb of Luanda. This community joins the desire of our Pope that religious life is for the "peripheries" because the Bishop asked for our presence in this urban area which builds itself in the suburb of the Capital.

 We give thanks also with our Sisters in Philippines who received our Pope: 20 students from our school in Bulacan were chosen to be the "little Swiss guards". Jadwiga is well arrived and begins her exposure in Bulacan.


Filipiny 3

 FIlipiny 1Filipiny 2

We are in communion of prayer with all in joy.   S. Celina SNDS

Provincial Superior:        Sœur Estelle RAZAFINJATOVO
Provincial Asistent :         Sœur Maria OSTROWSKA
Provincial Councillors:     Sœur Marie Paule VIAL
Sister Marie France BROTHIER
(From right to left in the photo)

On the term of 10 days of meeting which dressed various aspects:
A time of formation for all the Province with Sister Suzanne on the human and spiritual dimension of our Religious Life, on our wishes and our community life, in loyalty in our vocation, answer to the appeal of the Christ Peacemaker.
One time of worship which allowed, in the prayer, the consultation of all the members for the proposals of the Sisters for the various responsibilities?
Two times in parallel: the Provincial Assembly and the Provincial Chapter.
And another time of formation with him P. Thierry Magnin on the Religious Life.
In the abandonment in God's mercy and in the confidence in his love, we welcome those whom the Lord gives us to guide us - for coming 3 years - In our Religious Life Salettine.


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