France.svgLogo des Réunions des Laïcs Salettins de l'Europe.

Lors de la notre dernière réunion à Dębowiec nous avons commencé à discuter la proposition de notre logo. Regardez s’il vous plaît les propositions à choisir et à discuter. S’il vous plaît envoyez vous vos commentaires et de nouvelles propositions.

Italy.svgLogo d’ Incontri dei Laici Salettini d'Europa.

Durante il nostro ultimo incontro a Dębowiec abbiamo iniziato a discutere la proposta del nostro logo. Guardate per favore delle proposte a scegliere e a discutere. Inviateci i vostri commenti e le nuove proposte.

Poland.svgLogo Spotkań Świeckich Saletynów z Europy.

Na ostatnim spotkaniu w Dębowcu została zaczęliśmy dyskutować o jakimś logo Świeckich Saletynów. Przedstawiamy propozycje do wyboru i do dyskusji. Prosimy o nadsyłanie uwag i nowych propozycji.

Flag of Spain smallEl logo de Los Encuentros de Laicos Saletinos de Europa.

En el último encuentro en Debowiec hablamos sobre un logo de los Laicos Saletinos. Os presentamos algunos proyectos. Esperamos vuestras opiniones y sugerencias.

Switzerland.svgLogo für das Treffen der Salettinischen Laien

Beim letzten Treffen in Debowiec haben wir uns einige Vorschläge für das Logo der Salettinischen Laien Europas überlegt. Hiermit einige Vorschläge zur Auswahl und zur Diskussion. Teilt uns bitte eure Meinung dazu mit oder auch andere Vorschläge. Danke schön im Voraus!


1LOGOlaici 1





        Dear friends, “Our La Salette Laity”

The 10th of September is your Feast Day. As you well know, this was instituted at the end of the First International Meeting which was held at the Shrine of Our Lady of La Salette, France from September 1-10, 2011.
In the name of the General Council I am happy to send you all, you who are in various parts of the world, my heartfelt and friendly greetings of “Happy Feast Day”. We are united with you spiritually in this most important and meaningful day for you and also for us Missionaries of La Salette. What is common to us is the spirituality and love for the mission which have their origin in the message of Reconciliation and Conversion which the Beautiful Lady proposed to us in her Apparition at La Salette.  Before every one else, it should be our responsibility to apply in our daily life the suggestions of the Weeping Virgin so that we can all become credible witnesses of the Good News. Your presence in our midst and your collaboration in the service of the Church are very precious and we hope that these may grow more and more.
The Church, as well as our communities and our Congregation, need you, and your enthusiasm and your faithful witnessing.
May the Virgin of La Salette, our common Mother, help you in your journey of deepening your Faith and in your proclamation of the Gospel of Joy, and bless all your intentions.                                                          Fr. Silvano Marisa MS





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