Fr. Rene Butler MS - Fourth Sunday of Easter - The Question

The Question

(Fourth Sunday of Easter: Acts 2:36-41; 1 Peter 2:20-25; John 10:1-10)

In world literature, arguably the most famous quotation is: “To be or not to be: that is the question.” Shakespeare’s Hamlet was at a decisive moment in his life.

There is another important question that turns up at decisive moments in the New Testament. It is asked by the disciples of John the Baptist in Luke 3, verses 10, 12, and 14; by Saul on the Road to Damascus in Acts 22:10; and in today’s first reading: “What shall we do?”

The moment of truth had come. The people listening to Peter had been made aware of their error in crucifying Jesus,. They knew that something had to change. The answer to the question was vital.

On that day, the answer was: “Repent and be baptized.”

Actually, this question ought to arise more often than it does. Any time we hear the Scriptures we might wonder what it means for us.

For example, in today’s Gospel Jesus says: “I came so that they might have life and have it more abundantly.” Ask the Good Shepherd, “What shall I do?” In other words, what difference should this make in my life?

Or, many of those who did repent and were baptized in Acts 2, found themselves persecuted for their faith and may well have asked again, “What shall we do?” Peter responds, in our second reading, “Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example.”

From 1846 down to our own day, many people hearing the story of La Salette for the first time have asked, “What shall I do?” It is a turning point, but where to from here? For some, the answer includes “Repent.” For others, it may be a call to dedicate themselves in some way to the cause of Reconciliation, which lies at the heart of Mary’s message.

If you have not read the story of La Salette recently, it might be a good idea to reconnect with it. As with the Scriptures, we hear the Message differently as we age and the circumstances of our life change. See what part of the story or the Message strikes you in a new and deeper way.

Then ask, “What shall I do?”

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