September 10 - the World Day of La Salette Laity

Dear friends, La Salette Laity,
September 10 is a very important date for you since a few years ago, because in this day we celebrate the World Day of La Salette Laity. This was officially requested during the first meeting of La Salette Laity at La Salette (September 2011) and was accepted and ratified by a decision of the General Chapter 2012 .
The celebration urges you and us Missionaries not to forget the inspirational principles which created a base of this church movement which echoes the reconciliation message of Our Lady of La Salette . The principles that are reflected in the message of reconciliation by the Beautiful Lady of La Salette are:
1) Involve yourselves so that there is always a consistency between faith and life lived and the right balance between prayer and daily work
2) Living and witnessing with joy our membership in Christ and his Church
3) To know, to deepen and to make our own the message of the Virgin of La Salette
4) Become men and women who build bridges and work for a reconciled world at all levels (family, work environment, profession ...)
5) Share the joys, sufferings, and challenges of the evangelizing mission of the La Salette Missionaries
6) Praying to the Lord to send priestly and religious vocations to his Church and to our Congregation
September is a very precious month for us all, because we remember and celebrate the anniversary of Mary's Apparition at La Salette on the 19th of September. For us missionaries and for you La Salete Laity it all started this day, at the feet of the Weeping Virgin ...
Wherever you are in the world, I wish each of you, to become more and more active and zealous members of our great "charismatic La Salette family" following the example of the two witnesses (Pastorelli) Maximin and Melanie who, were overwhelmed by the words and tears of the Beautiful Lady, and they never hesitated in making public testimony of the profound human and spiritual experience lived on the mountain of the Salette on 19 September 1846.
I wish all of you a good family celebration and promise to remember you in our prayers.
Sincerely yours
P. Silvano Marisa
General Superior


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