Holy Ester 2024

“Our Redeemer has risen from the dead:

let us sing hymns to the Lord our God, Alleluia”

(from liturgy)

Dear Brothers,

with the arrival of Holy Easter, I would like to ideally reach each of you, wherever you are in the world, and offer you, in a big fraternal embrace, my best wishes for a Happy and Holy Easter celebration. 

May the song of Alleluia that accompanies the announcement of the Resurrection become our song of praise and thanksgiving to the Father because in the death and resurrection of Jesus, we have been given the certainty of salvation and the possibility of a new life in the spirit. 

This year’s Easter time takes on a particular meaning for our Congregation, as from 8th April to Next May 5, it is called to celebrate its 33rd General Chapter in Malagasy land. Strengthened by the light that emanates from the empty tomb and guided by the Word of the Risen One. I hope that this chapter assembly becomes a grace of conversion and personal renewal not only for the capitulants but also for every La Salette missionary present in the world.

The Easter spirit will positively influence, I am sure, the work of the Chapter called to write a new page in the history of our Congregation through the history, ministry and life itself of each of us and the election of the new General Council.

I ask everyone for the gift of personal and community prayer so that the search for God’s will for our Congregation is realized through a truly synodal path made of fidelity to our charism, mutual respect, humble listening to the Word and particular attention to the signs of times to better serve the cause of the Gospel in today’s world.

The common thread of the chapter discussions and resolutions, now known to all, is contained in the slogan: “A stronger identity at the service of Communion and hope”. This theme is intended to be not only a simple statement of our common purposes but above all a challenge to be welcomed and implemented in everyday life on a personal, community and pastoral level, where everyone must feel committed, no one excluded.

I would like to extend my Easter greetings, the last of this mandate of mine, in a particular way to young people in formation, to elderly and sick confreres and to those who are experiencing a moment of trial and physical or spiritual suffering. May the Risen One bring them the inner peace and serenity they need at this moment. The same well-wishing thought goes to those brothers who work in war zones or plagued by the raids of crazed armed groups, to our benefactors, to the La Salette Laity and to the Sisters of La Salette, as precious collaborators in our ministry in different parts of the world.

May the Beautiful Lady of La Salette extend her blessing and protection to each of you, make your ministry fruitful and make you authentic missionaries of the message of mercy and reconciliation that, our Blessed Mother entrusted to Maximin and Melania with this maternal and heartfelt recommendation; “Well, my children, let all my people know…”.

May the light of the Risen One shine abundantly in your hearts and in the lives of those you meet in your ministry as religious and priests of La Salette.

The General Council joins me in offering all of your fervent wishes for a Happy and Holy Easter.

Fraternally yours,

Fr. Silvano Marisa MS

General Superior

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