La Salette Lay Association in Philippines

"We, the Salette Lay Associates, are a faith community committed to witness and proclaim the La Salette Charism, Spirituality and Mission of Reconciliation, bonded in Love, Truth and Trust. We are on a spiritual journey to a Reconciled Life and a Reconciling way of  Life, becoming the change God wants to see in the world by sharing the blessings and graces along the way and healing that part of the world within our reach." From the Statement of Identity....

La Salette Lay Association of the
Ina ng Pag-asa Province of the
Missionaries of our Lady of La Salette
I. Understanding Lay Association in light of Theology, Church Teaching and the La Salette Marian Apparition

A. Embraced by the Circle of Love of the Triune God
The one true God is essentially relational: a loving communion of persons, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. The core mystery of God is one of love, the love of the Trinitarian
communion revealed in mission.
“At the heart of the divine act of creation is the divine desire to make room
for created persons in the communion of the uncreated person of the
Blessed Trinity through adoptive participation in Christ.” International
Theological Commission, Communion and Stewardship: Human
Persons created in the image of God (Vatican City, 2004).
God turns His love outward in the act of creation, reaching out and drawing us to the
circle of His divine life, calling us to walk the landscape and path to holiness through a
lifelong conversion from selfishness and sin.
In Christ Jesus, God revealed His love to us in a most personal and definitive way. The
Good News that He proclaimed is the reign of God’s kingdom of Love, Truth and Trust.
Foundational Belief: The Lay Association professes the firm conviction that the
source and purpose and activity of life is from the Triune God. The Holy Trinity offers
a communion in which the Lay Association is given a share in the life God.

B. Drawn to the Circle of Light at La Salette
“My Son” . . . “My children” . . . “My people” . . . . The Message of Mary when she appeared
to Melanie and Maximin at La Salette revealed how God loves us deeply and dearly by
drawing us into a life in consonance with the Gospel of her Son. The call of La Salette
is for us to embark on a journey of faith where we are gradually stripped of all that is
not of God so that we can put on the mind of Christ.
Foundational Mindset: The La Salette Lay Association is deeply rooted on the
conviction that the Marian Apparition at La Salette is an invitation from God to journey
La Salette Lay Association
(A Circle of Reconciliation)
a reconciled life and a reconciling way of life.

A. Who are we?
We, the Salette Lay Associates, are a faith community committed to witness and proclaim
the La Salette Charism, Spirituality and Mission of Reconciliation, bonded in Love, Truth
and Trust. We are on a spiritual journey to a Reconciled Life and a Reconciling way of
Life, becoming the change God wants to see in the world by sharing the blessings and
graces along the way and healing that part of the world within our reach.

B. What do we long to achieve?
We hope to form Circles of Reconciliation (CoRE) based on LOVE, TRUTH and TRUST.
1. LOVE (Oneness and Bondedness): We believe that the upper room prayer,
...”that all may be ONE ....” sums up the whole of Christ’s ministry. Jesus prays for
Reconciliation and Unity that finds its source in the Circle of Love of the Triune God.
2. TRUTH (A Sacred Holy Place, A Sanctuary, an Inner Space): We let our hearts,
minds, spirits, strengths drawn by Love to be reconciled to God, to our selves,
families, communities, and to all of HIS CREATION.
3. TRUST (A reconciled Life and a Reconciling Way of Life): We desire to journey
together in unity and mutual concern by learning to understand viewpoints,
transforming differences, sharing burdens and pains, nurturing hopes and dreams
and celebrating joys and triumphs.

A. Relationship with the La Salette Missionaries:
The La Salette Lay Association identifies with the history, spirituality and charism of
the Missionaries of our Lady of La Salette and draws inspiration from their mission
and ministries. The La Salette Lay Association joins the Ina ng Pag-asa Province in a
common effort to put on the mind of Christ and to follow His ways in response to the
call of the Blessed Mother to be reconciled with God and with one another.
B. Apostolic Life
Viewing its circumstances and situations from the gaze of the Triune God, the La
Salette Lay Association strives to respond in faith to the call of the Father to promote
Reconciliation in its own milieu.
C. Family Life
The La Salette Lay Association maintains the primal relationship and basic structure of
the family in the broad context of married and single lives. The La Salette Lay Associates
support each other in fulfilling family life commitments.
D. Community Life
With God’s abiding love and drawing from a diversity of experiences and talents, the La
Salette Lay Association offers opportunities for members to share their faith, friendship,
and support in belonging to a community of faith.
E. Ministries and Advocacies
The La Salette Lay Association participates in the ministries and advocacies of the Ina
ng Pag-asa Province and in other forms of service within their community, including
global undertakings.


A. Eligibility
Membership in the La Salette Lay Association is open to all who desire to live a reconciled
life and a reconciling way of life.
B. Formation
Prospective members participate in a process of initial formation involving a period
of discernment, spiritual formation and a study of the history of the La Salette Marian
Apparition and the life and works of the La Salette Missionaries, in particular. The
orientation program normally takes a year after which the candidates participate in a
commitment ceremony.
Subsequent on-going formation will include the deepening of spiritual growth and
engagement in new or alternative mindset of seeing the divine presence in all, and
putting on the mind of Christ and following in his way, with Mary as our model.

A. Commitment:
The Missionaries of our Lady of La Salette and the La Salette Lay Association members
are committed to a covenant of mutual support, partnership, in witnessing and
proclaiming the La Salette Spirituality, Charism and Mission of Reconciliation.
The covenant is grounded on the shared calling to Holiness in journeying to a Reconciled
Life and a Reconciling way of Life.
B. Covenant of the Heart:
1. Prayer Life: A common daily prayer of the heart to deepen our intimate relationship
with God, with our Lady of La Salette and with one another.
2. Periodic formation, preferably on a monthly basis: On-going gatherings for growth
and faith enrichment.
3. Presence and Hospitality: Space and time for faith-life sharing, mutual support and
4. Ministry: Living out the La Salette Charism, Spirituality and Mission of Reconciliation
in our families, workplaces and communities.
5. Apostolate: Facilitating Circles of Reconciliation based on Love, Truth, and Trust.

A. Movement/Operation:
1. The Provincial Superior is the head of the Association.
2. The main MS Coordinator of the Association is appointed by the Provincial Superior.
3. The La Salette Lay Association will be grouped into clusters geographically, animated
by a MS Cluster Coordinator designated by the Provincial Superior. A local leader
assuming the role of Cluster Coordinator will facilitate the growth of the members
and the activities of the cluster but always in full coordination with the main MS
B. Separation from the Association:
1. A La Salette lay associate, after her/his prayerful discernment, is free to decide not to
continue or renew her/his covenant with the Congregation and with the Association.
2. A member may be separated from the La Salette Lay Association for due cause.

A. La Salette Lay Association MS Coordinator:
1. Mentors the Associate Program of the Province.
2. Promotes the growth of the Association: membership, formation, acceptance,
3. Organizes and implements a monthly on-going formation and/or prayer gatherings.
4. Ensures open communication among La Salettes and Lay Associates, through
websites, newsletter, and the like.
5. Informs and if necessary seeks the permission of the Provincial Superior for any
activities proposed by the Association.
6. Keeps updated information/profile of each member.
7. Helps in the formation of new clusters.
B. La Salette Lay Association Cluster Coordinator:
1. A bonafide La Salette Lay associate, elected by the cluster members, and confirmed
by the Provincial Superior.
2. Coordinates in all matters with the La Salette Lay Association MS Coordinator.
3. Promotes recruitment for the Association
4. Assists in the formation of candidates.
5. Promotes specific activities that may advance bondedness, spiritual life, and mission
in the ministry of Reconciliation.

Neither the Missionaries of our Lady of La Salette nor the La Salette Lay Association
has any financial and/or legal obligation to each other.

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