Lord, into your loving care, we entrust the Second International Meeting of La Salette Laity. May you be blessed for the big La Salette Family: Religious Priests, Brothers, Sisters and Laity. You have made it fruitful around the world. In the preparation for this meeting Lord, we want to be active participants; we want to be deeply concerned and pray for the success of these ten days.

We pray for all the participants, delegates of their Province, that they may work in the spirit of openness, in conviviality and brotherhood. May they take advantage of this time to know more deeply the message of the Beautiful Lady, so that they may more effectively “Make it known to all”. May they be nourished by the dialogue and sharing and the experiences of being with their brothers and sisters. May this special time in their Life as Christians help them to become better signs and agents of reconciliation.

Lord, allow us to listen to you, in order to know your Will. May the unceasing action of the Holy Spirit allow us to actualize new ways of fraternal communion and collaboration for evangelization. May this meeting be a wonderful opportunity for all present to experience being Church together, with the help of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of love, of tenderness, and of mercy, who will give us the courage to work for the advancement of the Kingdom.

May Mary, the Beautiful Lady of La Salette, the Mother of the Church and our Mother, strengthen our unity. May she guide and accompany us, La Salette Laity, and especially the participants, so that this meeting be rich in its sharing and result in meaningful projects towards the fulfillment of our mission. Through her intercession, we ask that the Lord bless this meeting of 2016 so that our sense of oneness may be deepened.

Our Lady of La Salette, Reconciler of sinners, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to you.

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