Why Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

Introduction: Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) is an integral part of Christian Spirituality. The objective of JPIC animation is to remind religious that without JPIC, evangelization and mission cannot be authentic and to support the integration of these values into the life and mission of religious Institutes.
1. Biblical Foundations:
- The Church is at the service of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom project, enunciated by Jesus when he stood up in the Synagogue, is also our mission: "The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; because he has chosen me to: bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives, announce that the time has come when the Lord will save his people" (Lk 4, 18-19). In order to make this Kingdom a reality, we need a religious, interpersonal, political, and ecological conversion (John Paul 11)
- Jesus' goal is that every person and the whole of creation might 'have life, and have it to the full'. (John 10:10).
- The Kingdom of God is Justice, Peace and joy in the Spirit (Rms. 14:17)

2. Catholic Social Teaching:
- 'the individual who is animated by true charity labours skillfully to discover: the causes of misery, to find the means to combat it, to overcome it resolutely" (Caritas in Veritate, No. 30)
- '...action on behalf of justice and the participation in the transformation of the world is a constitutive dimension of the preaching of the Gospel' (Synod of Bishops, 1971, no. 6)
- Christians need to '...realize that their duty towards nature and creation is an essential part of their faith' (Peace Day Message, 1990, no. 15)

3. JPIC is about:
- Restoring 'right relations' with: oneself, others, creation and God.
- Identifying and responding to the 'signs of the times'.
- Making a 'preferential option for the poor'.
- Dealing with the CAUSES of injustice (political charity) and not just the consequences.
- Transforming the 'structures of sin' (Sollicitudo Rei Socialis 36, 37c, 38f)
- Proposing and initiating prophetic Gospel non-violent responses
- Encouraging prophetic attitudes and responses to: Lifestyle, Ministry and the Excluded

4. Contemplation and Action/ Mysticism and Prophecy: It is only by developing a contemplative capacity through relationship with Christ that we can truly hear His voice and see His face in everyday life and history. Otherwise, our activities may not be directed to building God's Kingdom but our own.

5. Establishment of the Justice and Peace Council
- It was created by Paul VI in 1967
- It was desired by Vatican II (Gaudium et Spes, 90)
- Its mission is to keep the eyes of the Church open, the heart sensible, and the hands ready for the works of charity we are called to realize in the world
- Religious Institutes then began to establish JPIC Commissions with a similar focus.

6. JPIC Commission, USG/UISG
- Joint Commission established in 1974
- It is presently composed of 21 members who meet twice a year. It includes 8 Superior Generals, 8 JPIC Promoters, 2 General Secretaries of both Unions, a representative from Pont. J/P Council, a full time executive secretary, one from SEDOS and the Commission Secretary.
- It offers Seminars and Forums as privileged opportunities for ongoing formation.
- Through its working groups (Ecology, Anti-trafficking, Africa JPIC formation, Economic Justice, Catholic Social Teaching, etc) it develops and distributes JPIC resource materials in several languages.
- It networks with other organisations that have similar objectives. Among them are the groups of JPIC promoters, the English and the Spanish /Portuguese speaking groups.
- It also works in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for "Justice and Peace", Caritas Internationalis, SEDOS, the Antenna AFRICA-EUROPE FAITH AND JUSTICE NETWORK, "Solidarity with South Sudan", the Catholic inspired NGOs, and the UN committee for the Inter-religious Decade for Peace.

7. Strategic Plan (2008-2010)
At the end of 2007, the members of the JPIC Commission JPIC met for two days, and with the help of an expert facilitator worked out a three year strategic plan. The vision of the Commission was redefined, probable obstacles identified and four strategic directions named to take the work forward: Promote the centrality of JPIC, training of Promoters, keeping the commission in focus and networking.

8, Activities of the Commission
- Seminars: Several joint Seminars were organized on themes such as: Creation in Mission, Climate Change, Justice and Reconciliation, the Economic Crisis, Catholic Social Teaching in formation processes, Caritas in Veritate, etc.
- International Prayer Days (UN): Several prayer services (18 languages) on our web site.
- Communications:
o JPIC web site with resources at: www.jpicformation.wikispaces.com
o A monthly bulletin, Newsbrief, is published in 3 languages (English, Spanish and Italian)

9. JPIC Commission invites Superiors General to:
- Appoint JPIC Promoters and/or a link person with the JPIC Commission
- Incorporate Catholic Social Teaching and JPIC values into the Formation processes of your Institute. (Use – 'A formation itinerary for a prophetic Religious Life') and link up Formation, Mission and Evangelization regarding JPIC.
- Include JPIC Resolutions in your General and Provincial Chapters.
- Support and encourage collaborative efforts at all levels
- Consider developing the advocacy capacity of your Institute by being present where policy is being developed and decisions affecting the poor are being taken.
- Be proactive in dealing with hidden and emerging justice issues both in religious life, in the Church and in the world, rather than being forced to deal with them.

10 JPIC Projects for 2010
- Renew Strategic Plan, 2010-2013
- That more Religious Institutes name JPIC promoters and develop appropriate animation structures
- Training of JPIC Promoters (Seminar - Nov. 21-24, 2010, Rome)
- Campaigns on Fairtrade, Integrity of Creation, Economic Justice, and Peace etc.
- Strengthen Networks among Int. Religious Institutes and with National JPIC Commissions.

Gearóid Francisco Ó Conaire ofm
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