Look at the world today; we see a decline of Justice and Peace. We also see a decline in working for Justice and Peace. Why? May be the thought of individualism is taking over and the globalization is influencing the society very much. What is Justice? And what is peace? How can we experience it in our lives? Pope Paul VI says, ‘development is the new word for peace’. Yes, if the societies, communities or even countries are focusing on the development of its members or citizens we will surely experience peace. Justice is a gift, a call and a commitment. Justice is nothing but sharing what is our due. If the politicians, other leaders and everyone in the society is ready to be just; we will experience justice. To work for justice means is to take hold of the depth of the situation of the poor and understand the reality. Everyone in the world has a right to live in dignity and we have the responsibility to become liberator of the poor and oppressed of the society. How do we respond? Sometimes we think we have nothing to do. Some other times we pass by or remain on the mountain saying I am helpless and I will pray for you. We have to remember that it is our responsibility to walk to Jordan and Calvary experiencing the struggles by being with the people.

Commitment for justice and peace can never escape criticism. But Jesus tells us not to lose heart when we begin to work for something good. Our hunger for justice should have deep spirituality. Our work is nothing but to participate and collaborate with the work of God. We have to restore the covenant with God. We have to build up peace. The Church always had this concept of peace building. We have to look at the world in the eyes of the poor and fulfill the responsibility as faithful Christians.

The message of our Blessed Mother at La Salette was nothing but an invitation for conversion, and to work for Justice and Peace in the world. Justice and peace in the society always demands our conversion and reconciliation with God, with oneself and with one another. In the Gospel of Mathew chapter 5; Jesus reminds us about this justice and mercy that we should maintain in our hearts…. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God”. Dear friends, we are called to become the children of God and work for justice and peace. As servants of God and members of the Church, let us hear the cry of the poor and invitation of Christ and our blessed mother to build Peace in the World by committing ourselves for Justice…..

Fr. Roy Parayil MS
La Salette Matha Province, India

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Last modified on Tuesday, 14 November 2017 14:00


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