A. Introduction: Myanmar La Salette Missionaries
B. District Vision Mission Statement
We, Myanmar La Salette, envision ourselves as living signs of reconciliation.
In the spirit of genuine love, we, as a religious family of one heart and one mind, strive to become living witnesses of reconciliation to the whole La Salette community and to the Church by discerning the mission given us by God through our Blessed Mother and by living faithfully our religious commitment.
C. Structure of JPIC Committee in Myanmar La Salette
Chairman: District Superior (Fr. Philip Naw Aung, MS)
Local Organizer: Fr. Lucas Suan Za Lian, MS
National Formation: Fr. David Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, MS
National JP Director: Fr. Thomas Htang Shan Mong, MS
Members: Fr. Patrick Kyaw Lin, MS (Parish of Sinbyu)
Fr. William PhyoWai, MS (Parish of Zawgyi)
Fr. David Kyaw Kyaw Lwin ( Shrine and Parish of
Fr. David Kyaw Zwa Latt, MS (parish of Myauk
Khaing & Myitgne)
Fr. Jerome Eiphan, MS (Holy Cross Shrine, Myitkyina)
D. Theme: Wounded Missionaries;
E. Activities on Peace Building: Peace Education
a. Conflict transformation
b. Conflict Resolution/Management
c. Reconciliation with God, Self, others, and creation.
d. Creation: Stewardship, Climate Change
F. Objectives
1. To understand/ know the meaning of Peace in different context.
2. To learn concept and methods of peace building.
3. To Create peaceful atmosphere in a given situation.
G. Outlines:
1. Definition of Peace in Sacred Scriptures, Compendium of Catholic Social Teaching
2. and some Authors (Pope John Paul II, J. P. Lederach, etc)
3. Introduction to Conflict Transformation; Theories, Concepts, Principles
(Johan Galtung, John Paul Lederach)
4. Local Context/ cultural approach (Building a culture of peace)
H. Length of Days
1. Seminar (2) days
2. Workshop (3) days
3. Forum (2) days

Table of Activities

Jan- Mar



Oct –Dec

All Community

1.Theme: Animation for poor

2. Activity: learning Approach

  • Social Analysis

  • Catholic Social Teachings


1. Minister of the Poor

2. Listening Approach

- To develop new Relationship

- CST: Common Good

- Solidarity with the poor

Shrine community

1. Commitment to


2. Zero waster policy

- Creation Spirituality

- Environment Protection

As given in




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